Friday, January 15, 2010

Township instructed to seal Millbrook wells

The following is being posted with the consent of the original author ...

Paula Formanek of TROW, has recommended that all artesian wells be capped in the Village of Millbrook! This includes the well at the west end of Millbrook that many people go to get our ever-loved drinking water.

Ms. Formanek states, “In my opinion, any well that is flowing (artesian) and in the serviced area should be decommissioned. Wells are simply not needed and take pressure off of the aquifer. They could be an area of contaminants to enter. (i.e., road salt, septic)

The report states, “The township may wish to seek the assistance of the Ministry of the Environment to enforce proper abandonment of these wells…..and/or to initiate a by-law which would require homeowners to hire a licensed well driller to close up any wells that has municipal servicing”.

If these wells are capped, the water is going to have to go somewhere?

It is noted in the report that capping artesian wells that have been flowing for a long time may have potential to create collateral impact as it could potentially make wells which are not currently flowing to become flowing.

There are at least nine flowing artesian wells in close proximity of the Millbrook municipal well system.

It makes me wonder, is this all part of the grand plan to ensure and strengthen the water resource for the diversion for Fraserville? hmmmmmmmm

Lynda Todd

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