Monday, January 11, 2010

Millbrook Water Defenders Looking for a 007

The following is being posted with the consent of the original author ...

On a recent cross-country flight, I watched last year’s Bond movie “Quantum of Solace.” And I was struck by its down-to-earth tone. For this time, the villain wasn’t the usual creepy miscreant, but a bland-looking businessman. And his dark-hearted scheme was not for world domination, but for water diversion. His nefarious plan: to steal fresh water—the essential and increasingly precious ingredient of life—from local, defenceless citizens.

Art imitates life. How similar to the situation facing our neighbours in Millbrook. Here, politicians and developers are planning to drain and transport water from three artesian wells, located on the Oak Ridges Moraine, for 12 kilometres overland. All to service the Kawartha Downs casino expansion, a new golf course, and a sprawling subdivision of 100 homes and shops. The proposed increase in water demand? 800%. Experts predict this will leave both local residents and sensitive brook trout, high and dry.

Who will stand up to the powerful forces promoting this ruinous plan? In 2006, concerned citizens spoke out, and were threatened with a lawsuit. A shocking sign of our times. Now, unfortunately, it takes a mythical James Bond, or Jane Bond, to defend us from these corporate raiders; our elected representatives don’t seem to want to. Is our government really acting with our best, long-term interests in mind? The stony silence speaks volumes. Enough said.

Susanne Lauten
Nominated Candidate, Green Party of Canada
Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock

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