Monday, August 16, 2010

Millbrook water victory calls for a party

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

Wow what great news. You made my day. These people are something to be proud of.

This was a hard fought battle won with grace and dignity. I am so proud of all these people of Millbrook who fought relentlessly to save the town, instead of sending in a wrecking ball by a big consortium just waiting to change the beautiful landscape for a casino, a subdivision, a hotel and who knows what in the future.

A lot of people deserve our gratitude. One woman in particular carried the ball; boy she is a trooper. She should be the reeve of our township. We need good, caring people who believe in the essence our forefathers believed in as they forged Millbrook many years ago. A victory party should be called at Millbrook Legion. The saving of a town is a great feat.

Manor Dr.

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