Monday, May 17, 2010

Incompetence, total lack of economical planning, foresight and consideration

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

Isn’t it a very interesting statement from the Township’s CAO Yvette Hurley that the Millbrook water supply will be required only for the initial stage of the Fraserville development. According to her, it is not to be the only water source in the future and the taking from artesian wells will be reduced. Which means that there are some other water sources. Which also means that millions of taxpayers’ money anywhere in Ontario and Canada (that’s where government takes the money from for grants and projects) will be unnecessarily spent on construction of pipelines, possible permanent disruption/destruction of environment ( draining wetlands included ) and hardship for the residents. It seems that our Council wants to put a cart before a horse. Incompetence, total lack of proper economical planning, foresight and consideration for this Township and its inhabitants is the name of the game. Perhaps more studies would be very much a propos to determine what Fraserville area can offer. It is a very expensive project anyway, so far without any visible results. The over 4 million dollars spent on studies/consultants/engineers could certainly repair the Needler’s Mill and Dam and maybe built a community center. What a terrible waste of OUR money.

Eva Hans

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