Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Water Crisis in Alberta

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

There is a report in Alberta calling on the provincial government to update an old water system that, in times of drought, would have some homes cut off from water while industrial users with older water permits are left unaffected.

Alberta’s freshwater supply is shrinking but demand constantly increases; there is a concern that if there is no plan to share the water, it will be the residents and aquatic ecosystems that suffer.

A number of Alberta communities are projected to run out of water in the next five years. Time has already run out for those seeking new water licenses on the Bow, South Saskatchewan and Old River basins, which are closed for new allocations. Such demands has lead to a dangerous trend of “water marketing” where water licenses are sold to the higher bidder, regardless of human and environmental need.

In response, the Alberta Ministry of Environment will undertake A PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS over the next year to determine the best way to protect aquatic ecosystems and secure drinking water supply.

Excerpts from ECOJUSTICE NEWSLETTER, Spring 2010

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It is real, it is happening …

Eva Hans
Cavan Ward

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