Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Newsflash 2015

The following is being posted with the consent of the original author ...

After 4 years of increased water pumping from Millbrook to supply the needs of the expanded slots, hotels, convention centers, a sports comlpex, new schools, libraries, firehall, lanudramats, car washes, golf courses,water bottling plants, canning factories,700 homes etc. in the "New City" of Fraserville, coupled with 3 years of below average annual precipitation the water table in the Millbrook water system has declined to the point that further water rationing for residents of Millbrook and the surrounding area is in effect immediately. Following is a list of revised rules for households, remember you water usage is monitored and those found violating rules will have their water privilages revoked. (Businesses will have continue to rely on purchased bottled water if they chose to remain open, but remember "They have it all right there in Fraserville".
1. Water usage per person now 3 liters/day for drinking and cooking.

2.Households with up to 4 residents are allowed 60 liters/wk for bathing - over 4 residents 75 liters/wk. (We recommend communal bathing to conserve).

3.Toilets (1/ household max.) allowed 2 flushes/day.

4.No car washing, lawn or plant watering allowed.

5.In the event you have a fire, first shame on you. Our well trained, well equipped volunter fire dept. restricted only by the amount of water at their disposal will do their very best to keep it from spreading to the neighbouring homes.

6. No one other than golf courses and outside water haulers are allowed to take water from streams or ponds within the boundries of Cavan Monaghan township. Those caught violating this by-law will be punished by law.
Remember this is for the "greater good of all" - the supply of water to Fraserville must not be jeopardized.
Note:Please continue to boil water for at least 5 minutes before consumption. We think that the chemicals (some not yet identified) that now contaminate the Millbrook water supply should be neutralized, but we cannot be sure, so you are on you own Good Luck.
Residents of Millbrook and Cavan Monaghan Township is this what you want to see for us in the future, visit to learn more and sign on to the petition to stop the water taking from Millbrook before irreversible damage is done and/or attend a Public Information Meeting at the Millbrook Legion on Feb 16th from 7 to 9 pm. This threat is real and affects us all.
Ed Farrow

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