Monday, January 11, 2010

Concern for our Tax Dollars

The following is being posted with the consent of the original author ...

How can the local Provincial (Rick Johnson) and the Federal (Barry Devolin) elected members of Parliment stand by and allow $20 million of taxpayers' monies be spent on a ``Water Diversion Project`` which involves the piping of water from the Village of Millbrook 12 km to a yet to be built dream town called Fraserville (in Cavan-Monaghan Twsp) in order to satisfy a few greedy developers, when over 90% of the local citizens are opposed to it. Also there is little evidence, since no testing was conducted on local private wells during the August pump test, showing that pumping this vast amount of water from the wells in Millbrook will not induce contamination to local wells due to drawdown of the water table ( shades of Walkerton? ).

Mrs Devolin and Johnson if you are not concerned about our tax dollars and how they are spent at least care about your constituents' health and safety and the environment of your riding.

Ed Farrow
Millbrook Ont

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